Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wanna play . . .

Our FABULOUS new swingset! Sure to provide hours of fun! Now, if I could just find a remote control for Sara's swing . . . .


The Winwards said...

I'm so very jealous, I've been begging for one for weeks now. I don't know if it's gonna happen as I had to get a super hootie baby gate at the top of my stairs. We're not opposed to inviting ourselves over for some fun. Enjoy!

Tanya said...

Wow, I love it!!!! I hear you about the remote too! Maybe we should get together and invent that so we can be rich and

Anonymous said...

So pretty much this is me inviting myself over to fun for you guys!!!!!

amy morgan said...

Please do! We'd LOVE to have you ;) If it would just stop raining for a MINUTE!