Monday, December 7, 2009

Quiz . . .

Can you guess who made this one?!
This one?!

This one?!

And this?!

The main theme of the night. . . Let's see how much stuff we can CRAM onto a paper plate!! What doesn't make it on the plate - - GOES STRAIGHT TO THE MOUTH ;)
Oh, Christmastime. How we love thee!!
Just in case you were actually curious about whose is whose . . . they are, in order from top to bottom. . . Joey's, Anna's, Tommy's, Mine! T.R. was out hanging the lights, then listening to an insurance salesman, so he missed out. Bummer. He did manage to get some candy to his mouth, though!!


Jean said...

I got 2 and 4 right...

Holly and the Gang said...

Looks like a "sweet" time at your house!