Thursday, November 10, 2011

so sue me . . .

Happy Halloween.
Yes, I know I'm late.
Please refer to the title of this post...

Also, I'm in a bad mood.
If I have to listen to my 2nd grader WHINE about homework
(that I DID NOT ASSIGN. the teacher did... whine to her)
I'll shoot both our eyes out.
With the bb gun Joey got for his birthday.
You want birthday pics, too?

pwoo, pwoo, pwoo.

(that was the sound of the bb gun - shooting someone's eye out.)


Emily said...

serious! How hard could a second grader's homework be? Come on! (said like Gob)

MsMelodee said...

I am so glad I am not the only one that has a love/hate relationship with my blog! Let me know if you need me to keep the bb gun for a few days!