Thursday, May 14, 2020

I've been thinking a lot lately about obedience and obeying. Not "blind obedience", but purposeful obedience. There is a difference.

There is a ruckus in the world over the very subject. 

There are those who would say that if you wear a mask and practice physical distancing, it's because you're bending to the man and giving up your freedom. But on the flip side, there are those (like me) who look at it as a purposeful act. I'm doing what I've been asked to do because I think it's responsible and safe. I've not been forced, there is no punishment if I don't, but I am obeying because I choose to.

So it is with our Heavenly Father. He has given us commandments and then He sent the Savior to show us how to keep/live them. If we do so, we will be happy and we allow ourselves the opportunity to continue to choose. That has been proven time and again.
But, He hasn't forced obedience. And, though there may be punishment for disobedience in some cases, the major consequence of disobedience is that we miss out on blessings, present and future, and we often cut ourselves off from future choices.

"The truest happiness and peace we can have comes by choosing to obey His laws." (Elder L. Tom Perry, "Obedience to Law is Liberty") I find this to be true.

I do not obey blindly. In fact, there are few things I hate more than being told what to do if it's something I do not WANT to do! But, as always, with Christ as my example, I am able to distinguish between what I should obey and what I should not.

Christ, as the perfect example of obedience, said in 3Nephi 27:13, "I came into the world to do the will of my Father BECAUSE He sent me."
Oh, how I love that! I don't think Jesus was blissfully excited to come to earth as He did. He knew what would happen. He knew how hard it would be. It would have been much easier to stay where He was, but that was not what had been asked of Him.
He did what was asked. He obeyed. Oh, how blessed we are because of His obedience.
He simply asks that we do the same.

In the same chapter of 3Nephi, Christ goes on to basically tell us to "DO WHAT YOU KNOW IS RIGHT". (vs. 21) That's really all obedience is... doing what we know is right. By doing what is right, we show Heavenly Father and Jesus that, not only do we believe in them, but that we believe them. We believe them when they tell us that "Obedience Brings Blessings". (Thomas Monson, April 2013 General Conference.)

1 comment:

Ivymiel said...

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