Am I a Scrooge to think that graduation from preschool (or kindergarten, or even 6th grade) is slight overkill?! Oh, well! It was a fun evening . . . Trey, the little boy standing next to Anna, is the reason I answer this question daily, "Mom, what grade do you have to be in to kiss boys?!" My answer: "COLLEGE."
And now, some GEMS from Joey's Second Grade "Quick Write Journal" which he brought home yesterday. I had the BEST time reading through it, and now present some of the best excerpts - totally unedited:
*One day my brother had namonea! It's when the fluooy gets worse and worse.
*My faverite song is Jigle bells. I like the jigle part.
*My faverite Ice crame flaver is choclite. I have ate it at Aretic Cerkle.
*If I was in a rodeo I would be scard. Becuse I would bounce up and down.
*I would vote for my dad beacuse my dad is seriuse. And strong. And fathful. (I assume
they'd been asked to write about whom they would vote for for president!)
*I don't have a faverite kind of socks. Becuse there all the same.
*My fridge is white. It has food in it. It does'nt have rotten food.
*I voted for Micane. Becuse people say Oboma lies. I dont know for shor. Goodbye.
*Oboma is presendent now. I am kind of sad. He chaned the rules. (P.S. This and the above do not necessarily represent his parent's political views ;) At least we know he'll think for himself!)
*I think that soldiers spend their day buying guns.
*I don't know what it would feel like to be a cow with no teeth.
*I'ts national hug Day today I would'nt hug anewon aspeshaley a boy Its creepy!
*If I foud the last bit of snow I would lock it in the frezer. But that would turn it into ice so I
don't know what I would do with the last bit of snow.
*If I could go on an amaganary trip to Ploto I would. Well first of all I wouldnt beable to beacuse
Ploto is more then 1,000.000.000 miles away from earth. But if I could I would shout IM THE
*You shoud respect a lady. Beacuse she might be carring a purse and if your not nice she might
just SlAP YOU.
*If I found one hundered dollers sitting on the ground I would pay tithing. (ten dollers) Then I
would pay for two D.S. games Yoshis Ilend, and Mario Kart D.S. So 100-65=35 So I would
have 35 dollers left. So I'd give the rest to my parents.
*If I was a composter I would write RAP muisc. Beacuse RAP is sort for RAPTORS I Think.
(their school mascot is a Raptor!)
*I don't really know what my summer vacacon plans are but I know I will have fun.
MAN, I LOVE THIS KID!! I hope summer vacacon IS fun . . . .
Oh those are so funny....Dorian's got to read them. My favorites are the 'one hundred dollers' one and the 'be nice to ladies.'
They tell like it is!
I LOVE THESE!!!!! I've been reading through Breyna and Alex's stuff too. And oh my heck for Anna, already thinking about kissing. Do you remember in primary when Breyna and Joseph Grasteit would hold hands? Lol... Man I love our kids...
Amy, your kids are just little miniatures of you. So funny! I love that your daughter wants to kiss boys (not really, good luck with that one!! lol) and the funny things your son wrote....classic! What a cute fam you've got!
laugh out loud funny- thanks!
The kids are so cute! I love Joey's journal. It is fun to read the things that they put in there. I can't wait to get my kids journals for the year.
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