Thursday, October 14, 2010

Road, this is Joey - Joey, Road . . .

LITERALLY, the ONE time Joey didn't wear his helmet while riding his bike -
this is what happened.

Poor kid.
Six stitches, one GINORMOUS goose egg, and
road rash galore . . .

Moral of the story:

man, I hate it when we have to learn the hard way :*(


Morgan Photography said...

I think you are an awesome make up artist. Did he have a Halloween party at school or something?

amy morgan said...

Sadly, it's real. No joke. :(

di said...

yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my--this should be on a poster. hope he heals well and that you have a lot of tylenol.

kim said...

When I first saw the picture I thought Halloween make-up, but that is so sad!! I'm going to make my kids look at it so they will wear their helmets! Hope he feels better soon!

MsMelodee said...

Oh my goodness I feel so bad for him! I can't wait to show madee she hates to wear her helmet(and rarely does). I will choose my battles more wisely now! I hope he recovers quickly!

Tanya said...

oh man! (((HUGS))) to Joey!

The Winwards said...

o-u-c-h!! Poor Joey, such a beautiful face, I'm sure he'll have the best Halloween costume of all the kids.

Anonymous said...

I don't even see any tear stains.. what a CHAMP!