Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I tried . . .

My LAME attempt at an April Fool's Joke.
It worked. . . for about 2 seconds! But Tommy remembered the date
before I could take it any further.
Sure WISH it hadn't been a joke!

Two cute, matching girls and One floating head!!

Our first spring break activity = trying out the new swimming suits
in the only acceptable pool, as there is snow outside!

Please read no further if you are easily grossed out, or offended by tacky moms
who post what should be private moments . . .

But I just HAD to:

It is ENTIRELY possible that this little one needs more fiber
and fewer jelly beans ;)


Emily and James said...

LOL!!! I LOVE the picture of that cute bottom!! I think it's even funnier that she is just going about her business as if nothing is wrong!!

By the way, the girls look SO much like you Amy! Way cute!

Brad and Jamie said...

Ha ha!!!! Fun April fools idea and I love the picture of you and your girls. They are adorable! That last picture is hilarious!

Aimee & Brennen Fuller said...

I'm literally rolling on the floor laughing with those last two pictures. Oh dear...I'm glad she survived! ;)

Such a cute little family. And their suits were so cute.

k8e said...

ba ha ha ha!! don't ever let her see this when she grows up.... :)

Toad said...

Amy, your kids are so cute. In some of those pictures, Anna looks just like I remember you looking when we were younger! You have a great family.

Jessica said...

Wow, you're brave having an April Fool's like that! There would have been a mutiny in my house. A mutiny, I tell ya!

You have beautiful daughters & I love the swimming in the tub!

Cassi :) said...

you crack me up!