Monday, October 13, 2008

7 weird things . . .

How exciting . . . I've been "tagged" for the first time! Wa-hoo! I'm supposed to list 7 weird things about myself (narrowing it down was no small task) so, here goes . . .

1. I must have things in even numbers, which means you'll get eight weird things about me 'cause I can't have an odd 7 - in fact it almost made me crawl out of my skin to have the number 7 listed so many times! Which leads me to . . .

2. Crawling out of my skin - - I have what I call "bug spots". These are parts of me that I cannot even touch myself because it "bugs" me! For example . . . the top of my head, the top of my ears, the sides of my neck (can't wear necklaces!) the inside of my upper arm, my wrists, my belly button, the inside of my knees, the outside of my big toes, and the tips of my toes! WEIRD! In fact, just thinking about things touching those places makes me crazy, and seeing OTHER people touching those areas on themselves gives me chills. Yes, I know, the word is psycho, not weird!

3. I cannot fall asleep unless my feet are clean and the fan is on!

4. My favorite number is 4, and I will and have done anything necessary to make things even out to 4 or at least a multiple of. For example, my family's birthdays (in their respective months) are Tommy = 4th, Joey = 8th, Anna = 12th, TR = 16, and Sara = 28th! No small task, mind you!

5. I don't like root beer floats because once when I was younger I had one in the evening and then had a really bad nightmare that night. Haven't liked 'em since!

6. My food can't touch (unless it's supposed to, i.e. potatoes and gravy, casseroles, etc.) This makes for quite the juggling act at Thanksgiving since I have to have 4 plates so that the jello doesn't run into the mashed potatoes!

7. I like things between my fingers and toes - so I can't wear socks to bed, or else I'm unable to tuck the blanket between my toes! (see, I told you narrowing it down was difficult!)

8. The bonus to even things out - - I am unable to float in water, thus making it impossible for me to swim! I know you're thinking 'ya, right' but it is true! There is a genetic "thing" in my dad's side of the family called Dominant Endosteel Hyperostosis - - DENSE BONES basically. Anyway, makes it so I can't float! On the plus side, I've never broken a bone! WEIRD!

I now tag anyone out there brave enough to list 7 of their quirks (or eight, if you need to, too!) And yes, I will be seeking psychiatric help at some point!


Anonymous said...

Wow!!! That was brave of you!!! I knew you were a bit odd but now....hahah

Anonymous said...

I miss you!!! and your quirkiness! But only because it makes my quirkiness seem normal. I am planning on doing this tag soon, but instead of 7 or 8 I will only be able to do 6 cause that is my #... Anyway, I love reading your blogs, makes me feel a little closer to home.

Doin' It Digital (Shannon C.) said...

Your list could have gone on, hu? LOL. You crack me up. I have actually mentioned to people about your belly button problem. So hilarious.