Sunday, October 26, 2008

I am not ashamed . . .

I admit it. I liked it. Alot. Song every eight minutes, cute 20- somethings playing teens, what's not to like?! Just bring some tortilla chips with you if you go. You'll need them to catch the cheese that drips from the screen.


Anonymous said...

We totally love these! Can't wait to see the next one!

Greg and Torrey said...

ok so i admit i kind of want to see this but not in the theater, i am too prideful to go that far. i think zac efron is hot, but i could be his mother. and i think vanessa hudgens as a person is a ho bag. i need to stop reading people magazine, it ruins good "g" rated movies for me.

April said...

Amy, Don't tell any one this ...(Oh yeah I am writing for the whole world to see!) But I went and saw it last myself.... Yes, I was was the 30+ year old sitting there with her popcorn somehow in a weird sort of way being taken back many years. I have always wanted for my friends and I to bust out in song after graduation, but it never happened. ;)